Voices from the Field / Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Voices from the Field(VfF)/ Japan Earthquake and Tsunami is operated by a group of Japanese translators, academics, practitioners, and other professionals, all volunteering their time and effort with a mission to translate the voices, or words, of both victims and their supporters in the disaster-affected areas into English and share them with the outside world, acting as a bridge between languages. These activities are currently supported by the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University.”
- All reports and articles already released by the Voices from the Field / Japan Earthquake and Tsunami are available at http://voicefromfield.com/
- Particularly for reports related to Iwate Prefecture, published by Voices from the Field / Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, please visit the following:
- SPECIAL vol.8 Attending the “Sanriku Region Machizukuri Symposium”~Citizen-led Machizukuri and the Government’s Responsibility~(18 May 2012)(外部リンク)
- SPECIAL vol.5 Visiting the Disaster Affected Area(Part3)(6 January 2012)(外部リンク)
- NVNAD vol.2 NVNAD blog(13 December 2011)(外部リンク)
- SPECIAL vol.1 Taro-chan Tent in Taro District, Iwateo Prefecture-An Initiative by Local Retailers to Provide Daily Necessities at the Temporary Housing-(5 November 2011)(外部リンク)
政策企画部 広聴広報課 広聴広報担当(広報)
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電話番号:019-629-5283 ファクス番号:019-651-4865