CALL FOR SUPPORT : “IWATE Learning Hope Fund”for the financial aid of the March 11 Earthquake and Tsunami orphans


ページ番号1002275  更新日 平成31年2月20日



In Iwate Prefecture, one of the three prefectures devastated most by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 11 March 2011, a lot of children lost their parents. In order to help raise and give a loving and stable home life to these children in their hometowns,the “Iwate Learning Hope Fund” has recently been established. We would like to support these children until the time they reach adulthood and become independent.

We are very grateful for voluntary donations that we have received so far from within the country as well as from abroad. While the international media attention gradually fades away, the road ahead to help these children rebuild their lives is very long. With the creation of the “Iwate Learning Hope Fund”, we hope to be able to call more widely for continued help from enterprises and individuals from around the world.

1 Recipients of the fund are children in Iwate Prefecture who have lost their parents in the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
2 The fund will provide those children with financial support for the essential “living” and “learning” until such time when they can support themselves.
3 For those wishing to make a donation from overseas, we kindly ask you to use the following bank account to transfer money.

  • Bank(JPN:銀行名)
    The Bank of Iwate, Ltd(JPN:岩手銀行)
  • SWIFT Code
  • Branch
    Kencho Branch(JPN:県庁支店)
  • Branch No.
  • Account No.
  • Beneficiary’s Name(JPN:口座名義)
  • Beneficiary’s address /電話ephone Number(JPN:住所/電話番号)
    Japan, Iwate-ken,Morioka-shi, Uchimaru 10-1
    電話 :019-629-6922

(Money transfer and exchange may incur a handling fee.)

4 For those who need a receipt, please fax or email your postcode, address, name, date of bank transfer, and amount of money transferred to ファクス+81(0)19-629-6944 or 電子メール
5 On behalf of Iwate Prefecture,we thank you for your kind attention and support for our project.

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復興防災部 復興推進課 伝承・発信担当
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-6945(内線6945) ファクス番号:019-629-6944