JETプログラム参加者:Dakota Zimaさん(カナダ出身)

ページ番号1022705  更新日 令和1年8月23日


  • ダコタ ジマさん
  • 一戸町教育委員会ALT(2016年7月から2018年7月まで)
  • カナダ トロント市在住

About you あなた自身について教えてください。

Why did you decide to work in Japan? 日本で仕事をしようと思ったきっかけは何ですか。

I was interested in learning about Japanese culture. I wanted to challenge myself at speaking a new language and living in a different country. I have a good friend who is Japanese, and she recommended going to Japan.


What sort of activities (occupation, study, initiatives, etc) are you involved with currently? 現在どのような活動(仕事・勉強・取組)をされていますか。

I currently work as a designer in the animation industry for children’s television programs.


Please tell us about the culture, traditions, and customs of your hometown or the place you are currently residing. あなたの出身の地域、または現在お住まいの地域について、文化・伝統・習慣など教えてください。

I live in the city of Toronto. Toronto is made up of multiple different cultures. Everyone here celebrates cultures from around the world. There are many different activities to participate in or view, and you can find food from anywhere here. There is lots of Japanese food and shops as well. Japanese sweets are popular in Toronto.


About Iwate  岩手に関することについて教えて下さい。

What are some of the most memorable places and foods from your life in Iwate? 岩手で生活をされて印象に残っている場所、食べ物などはありますか。

I loved everything about Iwate. The people are so kind and so helpful, even when I couldn’t really speak Japanese. I made a lot of wonderful friends. I often enjoyed skiing and then visiting onsen in the winter. My favourite food from Iwate is Hitsumi. I learned how to make it so now I can make it in Canada. It’s perfect in the fall or winter. I recommend people try it!


Please tell us something unforgettable that happened to you while in Iwate. 岩手での忘れられない出来事はありますか。

I became close with a local family in my town and they helped take care of me like I was their family. They taught me many things about Japan, and always had me involved in local activities. I got to participate in my town’s matsuri each summer, which is held every August. I owe a lot to this family, and I hope I can visit them again soon.


Please write a message to the people of Iwate. 岩手県の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします。

Thank you for being so kind to me, and showing me how beautiful Iwate is. It holds such a special place in my heart that I will never forget.


Please feel free to write any additional comments.その他何かありましたら御自由にお書き下さい。

After living in Iwate I lived in Tokyo for a while, but I missed living in Tohoku. If you want to get away from the crowds and spend time outdoors or experience lots of traditional Japanese cultural activities, Tohoku is a wonderful place to visit and a comfortable place to live.



ふるさと振興部 国際室 国際交流担当
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-5765 ファクス番号:019-629-5254