A message from the Governor of Iwate about COVID-19 (March 18th)

ページ番号1053033  更新日 令和4年3月18日


A message from Governor Tasso during the 52nd meeting of the Iwate Prefecture

COVID-19 Countermeasures HQ (March 18th)


Currently, the number of new cases compared to last week has remained at the same level, maintaining a high average at more than 200 new cases per day.

The main areas of spread are group infections in nursery school, kindergartens and schools, and household infections that originate from those group infections. Looking by age group, close to half of the cases are under the age of 10.

I request the citizens of Iwate to use the spring holidays and upcoming long weekend to reinforce the infection prevention measures and prevent the spread of infection.

  •  The prefectural government will be working with municipalities to ensure that teachers and workers be tested in order to curb the spread in areas that have high spread of infection such as nursery schools.
     Please reinforce infection protection measures in childcare facilities, such as refraining from sending a child with symptoms, such as fever, to school.
  •  Please wear masks even in the household, especially when talking to the elderly and those with underlying conditions except children who find it difficult to do so.
  •  Please reinforce infection prevention measures in sports club activities held over the spring holidays, cram schools and lessons.
  •  Please hold short farewell and thank you parties, do not heavily drink or speak loudly, and wear a mask when having a conversation.
  •  Please ensure that gatherings do not have any of the 3C’s.
  •  Restaurants that are approved by the “Iwate Restaurant Safe Practices Certification System” are recommended when going out to eat.
  •  Please look into the necessity of travel outside of the prefecture and make a cautious decision.
  •  Please refrain from going to places that are crowded or have a high risk of infection.

Over the period between the end of the current fiscal year and the beginning of the next, there will be an increase in large gatherings of people. Until now, increases in the number of infections has been due to large gatherings, therefore, I ask that the infection prevention measures be reinforced.


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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