A message from the Governor of Iwate about COVID-19 (August 3rd)

ページ番号1045500  更新日 令和3年8月3日


 A message to Iwate residents

 We are seeing an unprecedented rapid spread of COVID-19 infections across the country with daily record-breaking number of cases of more than 10,000 cases per day.

 An increasing number of cases with the Delta variant has also been confirmed here in Iwate with new infection cases in the two-digits being reported the past few days. Considering that the Delta variant has been suggested to be even more infectious, even with the slightest contact, we are facing a quicker spread of infections than before. Moreover, while it may not result in a serious condition, many people who are infected, with symptoms such as a high fever and an extreme fatigue, will still have to be hospitalized.

 I have been asking all residents to be extra careful with enacting safety measures under the Declaration of Vigilance in Iwate, and I am thankful for the residents working together as a whole.  However, to prevent the number of new cases from increasing, please either halt or postpone any non-urgent and non-essential outings that will have you cross prefectural lines, including leisure travel, visits to your home, and others, until the end of August.

 If you are visiting Iwate from another prefecture with official safety measures to stay-at-home, etc., please also follow those measures your first two weeks here.

 Many restaurants are also cooperating with implementing safety measures, and the number of restaurants with the seal of approval from the “Iwate Restaurant Safety Authentication” program is at 1,262 restaurants. The inspection process is still ongoing so we will likely see more restaurants being approved.

 Should we reach 15 or more new cases per 100,000 people in the recent week, or when our healthcare system reaches a critical stage, then we may have to put a temporary stop to the “Support Iwate Food Project” and have to consider declaring our own state of emergency or manbо measures, which will result in placing movement restrictive measures and other stringent measures to the residents.

 However, until then, the “Support Iwate Food Project” and other events will continue, so please stay vigilant and let us work together as a whole to beat the virus and endure this year’s summer.


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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