Notifications - When you get pregnant


ページ番号1007085  更新日 平成31年2月20日


When you know you are pregnant

Pregnancy notification (妊娠届, ninshin todoke)

Fill this out once you know you are pregnant and submit it to the municipal hall of the town you reside in.

Maternal and Child Health Handbook (母子健康手帳, boshi kenkou techou)

You will receive this booklet once you submit your pregnancy notification. The Maternal and Child Health Handbook serves as a record of the pregnancy itself, birth, immunizations, and your child’s growth. Additionally, as it is your passport to governmental services including health check-ups, please carry it with you at all times. You may be able to receive an English version.


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
You can access our question form here.