Support systems


ページ番号1007149  更新日 平成31年2月20日


In cases when you have resigned or been fired from a job, see Employment Insurance for more details.

In cases where you have gotten hurt on the job (or commuting to the job), you can be reimbursed for medical costs through Workman’s Accident Compensation.

These are other services are for people who have lost their income due to illness, sickness, the death of a partner, or other situations. Each municipality has their own system, so please contact their government office for information on services available and the application processes.

Types of services
All municipal governments are different, but here are some services they may provide.




Support for daily life

生活扶助, seikatsu fujo

For food, clothes, and other necessities

Housing support

住宅扶助, juutaku fujo

For rent, maintenance, and other costs associated with housing

Education support

教育扶助, kyouiku fujo

For compulsory education expenses like school meals and supplies

Long-term care support

介護扶助, kaigo fujo

For expenses involved with long-term care

Healthcare support

医療扶助, iryou fujo

For medical examinations, medicine, and other healthcare expenses incurred at hospitals and clinics


その他の援護, sono ta no engo

Exemptions from various fees, like water bills, transportation costs, insurance contributions, NHK broadcasting fees, and more

Emergency assistance
These are some other services that can be provided if the need arises.




Childbirth support

出産扶助, shussan fujo

For expenses for hospital fees and medical products needed for the delivery

Vocational support

生業扶助, seigyou fujo

For expenses needed in starting up a new small-scale business, or for acquiring new skills

Funeral support

葬祭扶助, sousai fujo

For expenses incurred in cremation and/or transportation of the body

Temporary support

臨時的扶助, rinjiteki fujo

Expenses for diapers, baby clothes, cooking utensils and supplies (if lost in a disaster), transportation expenses, housing repair, deposits needed when moving, for entering elementary/middle school, and when there are any other special needs

There may be restrictions on these services and money provided.


Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
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