Iwate Reconstruction Education Picture Book "Hand in Hand"

ページ番号1063362  更新日 令和5年3月24日


The "Iwate Reconstruction Education" picture book promotes continuous reconstruction education efforts from the preschool level and the theme of "ikiru," represented by the three educational values of life, involvement, and preparation.

Through the theme of the warmth of hands, the picture book expresses that life has been passed down from our grandparents to our parents, and then to "me" and "one-chan". In addition, even if you encounter something unsettling, you can feel safe by having someone close to you hold your hand. Another aim of the book is to incorporate Iwate-related elements into the scenery, trains, festivals, and fireworks scenes in order to foster a love for one's hometown.

Please use it as a story-telling picture book for children 4~5 years old.

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岩手県教育委員会事務局 学校教育室 産業・復興教育担当
〒020-8570 岩手県盛岡市内丸10-1
電話番号:019-629-6139 ファクス番号:019-629-6144