Revenue Stamps


ページ番号1007181  更新日 平成31年2月20日


Sometimes you will need a revenue stamp to pay for administrative procedures in Japan. However, there are different stamps depending on the procedure. Their names are very similar so please confirm before buying!


Japanese name

What you may need it for

Where you can buy them?

National revenue stamp

収入印紙, shuunyuu inshi

  • To pay for certain kinds of taxes
  • Immigration bureau matters

Post offices

Prefectural revenue stamp

(岩手県)収入証紙, (Iwate-ken) shuunyuu shoushi

To pay fees for various prefectural procedures (such as getting a driver’s license)

Iwate Bank, government offices.

To view a list of sellers, go here (JPN only)

Municipal revenue stamp

(市町村)収入証紙, (Name of municipality) shuunyuu shoushi

To pay fees for various municipal procedures

Municipal offices

You can get stamps in a number of different denominations.

What to do if you bought the wrong kind of stamp

Unfortunately, if you bought a national revenue stamp (収入印紙, shuunyuu inshi) on accident, you will not be able to get a refund. However, prefectural stamps can be refunded.

Refunds for prefectural revenue stamps (収入証紙, shuunyuu shoushi)

You will have to fill out a form (JPN only) and hand it in to one of Iwate’s regional development bureaus. A few days later, the money will be refunded into your designated bank account.

List of Iwate’s regional development bureaus

Morioka Regional Development Bureau

Department of Management and Planning
Phone: 019-629-6667

Southern Regional Development Bureau

  • Main bureau (Oshu) - Department of General Affairs
    Phone: 0197-22-2851
  • Hanamaki General Affairs Center
    Phone: 0198-22-4911
  • Ichinoseki General Affairs Center
    Phone: 0191-26-1411
  • Kitakami Public Works Center
    Phone: 0197-65-2738
  • Tono Public Works Center
    Phone: 0198-62-9938
  • Senmaya Public Works Center (Ichinoseki)
    Phone: 0191-52-4971

Coastal Regional Development Bureau

  • Main Bureau (Kamaishi) - Department of Management and Planning
    Phone: 0193-25-2717
  • Ofunato Regional Promotions Center
    Phone: 0192-27-9916
  • Miyako Regional Promotions Center
    Phone: 0193-64-2211

Northern Regional Development Bureau

  • Main Bureau (Kuji) - Department of Management and Planning
    Phone: 0194-53-4981
  • Ninohe Regional Promotions Center
    Phone: 0195-23-9201

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Office of International Affairs, Department of Homeland Promotion
(020-8570) 10-1 Uchimaru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, JAPAN
Phone number:019-629-5765 Facsimile:019-629-5254
You can access our question form here.